If you or your insurance company has paid a medical bill but it still appears in your credit history, it’s time to write a medical collection letter to the credit bureaus to find out why. This letters aids in helping you to leverage the HIPAA Law.
What you'll get:
- A Powerful letter that will aid in fighting the credit bureau for medical collections that you know should not be there, yet still remain on your report.
Digital Products Refund Policy
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The purchase of digital products, including PDF downloads and online material is subject to the following terms and conditions. Consumers are advised to review carefully before making any purchase.
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All transactions for purchase of intangible products, pdf downloads, resource material, and online content are made through payment gateways such as PayPal or Stripe that use SSL encryption. These payment gateways are safe and secure for using all types of credit cards and debit cards in different countries and your details are not stored during this process.
Since your purchase is a digital product, it is deemed “used” after download or opening, and all purchases made on www.creditwarriors.org are non-refundable or exchangeable. Since the products made available here are intangible, there is a strict no refund policy.
CreditWarriors Inc reserves the right to amend any information, including but not limited to prices, technical specifications, terms of purchase and product or service offerings without prior notice.
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If you do not receive the digital product link upon purchasing, you can immediately contact [email protected] with your transaction/payment details to ensure your product is delivered as soon as possible.
The information contained in this product is not legal advice, nor does it guarantee desired results.